Past Events

Carbon Capture Opportunities and Updates - Electric Power Expo

 Sep 14, 2020 - 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Carbon capture technology could be critical to the continued operation of fossil-fueled powe rplants. Large-scale projects are already in service, but location and site-specific circumstances are currently important to success. This session will highlght proven technoloyg, while also touching on what's new and psosible in the future. Learn where opportunities exist adn how your company may be able to benefit from carbon capture technology rather than become a victim of circumstances. 


  • Research, Testing, PRe-Commercialization, and commercializatoin of CCUS Technologies
    • Will Morris Ph.D., President & Technical Director, Carbon Management Strategies
  • Planning for the Future of Coal - CO2 Capture Readiness
    • Emily Kunkel, Senior Environmental Associate, Sargent & Lundy
  • Implementing Large Scale CO2 Capture
    • Brent Jacobs, Engineering Team Leader, The International CCS Knowledge Centre
  • Moderator/Chair: Mrs. Wayshalee Patel - Manager Sargent & Lundy