Past Events

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage for the Cement Sector

 Jan 21, 2021

Cement and concrete are central to our modern world. However, around seven percent of global CO2 emissions are currently from cement manufacture, and two-thirds of this, amounting to 1.6 Giga-tonnes in 2019, are process emissions, which cannot be easily abated without carbon capture technologies. The sector has recently announced it is committed to achieving carbon neutral concrete in line with global climate targets, and is becoming increasingly active in investigating and developing carbon capture solutions.
Join the CEM CCUS Initiative and their partners from the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) for a webinar on the role of CCUS for the Cement Sector, on Thursday 21 January 2021, at 14:00 CET. Speakers will discuss the opportunity that carbon capture can bring to the sustainability of cement manufacture, and how governments can ensure an enabling framework to drive projects forward.

Agenda and speakers:
14:00     Welcome by Jarad Daniels of CEM CCUS Initiative and Claude Loréa of GCCA
14:10     Jamie Gentoso, CEO of US Cement, LafargeHolcim US
14:20     Rob van der Meer, Director or EU Public Affairs, Heidelberg Cement
14:30     Sui Tongbo, VP of Sinoma International, DG of Sinoma Research Institute
14:40     Panel discussion and Q&A with audience – moderated by Jarad Daniels and Claude Loréa
15:00     End of webinar

Event registration: