Past Events

Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage and Oil & Gas Annual Project Review Meeting - 2020

 Aug 19, 2020

The National Energy Technology Labroatory (NETL) will be hosting the 2020 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage and Oil & Gas Annual Project Review in Meeting as a series of virtual events. The events will be held over several weeks beginning Aug. 17, 2020. 

International CCS Knowledge Centre VP of Project Development and Advisory Services, Corwyn Bruce, will be providing a presentation on the Updates on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Canada on August 17, 2019 during this U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - NETL 2020 Integrated Virtual Meeting series

Register for the DOE-NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting - CCUS Integrated Projects

DOE-NETL’S 2020 Inetgrated Project Review Meeting CCUS Integrated Projects Virtual Agenda August 17-19, 2020


For questions regarding logistic contact:
Karen Lockhart, CMP