Past Events

IEAGHG Monitoring Network Webinar 'Regulation, Industry and Research - Translating Monitoring Research to Meet Commercial Needs’

 Aug 12, 2020

In place of a physical meeting of the IEAGHG Monitoring Network in 2020, this webinar will be a virtual discussion panel with the theme of informing regulators, looking at ‘Regulation, Industry and Research - Translating Monitoring Research to Meet Commercial Needs’. The aim of the webinar is to discuss the translation of COgeological storage monitoring research into regulations and commercial-scale projects. It will begin with a scene setting presentation and framing questions. There will then be discussion with operator, regulator and research representatives from the US, Australia, and Norway to answer questions from the audience and provoke thoughtful discussion. This webinar is an ideal opportunity for all stakeholders actively engaged in COgeological storage projects and practical research in monitoring to share and learn about how the information from research and our Monitoring Networks can be used to meet commercial needs.

The panelists, below, comprise different CO2 storage monitoring stakeholders; operators, regulators and researchers. 

Tim Dixon, (moderator) IEAGHG, UK
Sue Hovorka, Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, USA
Sunil Varma, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Australia
Scott Wehner, Wehner CO2nsulting, LLC, USA
Charles Jenkins, CSIRO, Australia
Katherine Romanak, Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, USA
Eva Halland, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Norway
Jørg Aarnes, DNV GL, Norway

Register for IEAGHG Monitoring Network Webinar 'Regulation, Industry and Research - Translating Monitoring Research to Meet Commercial Needs’ Webinar