Past Events

IETA LIVE Virtual Series: Grounded in Reality: Climate Markets to Scale CCUS

 Feb 18, 2021

Co-Hosted by IETA, International CCS Knowledge Centre, & Latham & Watkins, LLP.
18th of February 2021
9:30 – 11:00am CST / 10:30am  – 12pm New York / 3:30pm – 5pm London / 4:30pm – 6pm Geneva 

CCUS is an important emissions reduction technology that can be applied across the energy system. It may not be a new technology or concept, but it has been the subject of renewed global interest and attention in recent years, holding out the promise of a rapid scaling-up of investment, wider deployment and accelerated innovation. The pipeline of new CCUS projects has been growing, underpinned by strengthened national climate targets and new policy incentives. CCUS costs have been declining, new business models that can improve the financial viability have emerged, and technologies associated with CO2 use and carbon removal are advancing and attracting interest from policy makers and investors.

The world’s most credible deep decarbonization studies point to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) as holding enormous potential to help smooth and achieve net zero pathways. Over the last 3 decades, broad support and investment for CCUS has traveled a difficult journey. But now, as governments strengthen climate goals and corporates seek credible net zero paths and investment opportunities, past ebbs are shifting to flows in CCUS demand and investment. This positive momentum is welcome – but there’s still a long way to go in scaling the technology to reach its full potential. The panel will take stock of the world’s enabling regulatory frameworks, innovative incentive structures and carbon market solutions that are driving CCUS projects and infrastructure. In this first 2021 webinar of IETA’s LIVE Virtual Series, global industry, market and legal experts will speak to the opportunities and outlooks for environmental markets to accelerate CCUS action.

Katie Sullivan, Managing Director, IETA


  • Beth Valiaho, Vice-President Strategy & Stakeholder Relations, International CCS Knowledge Centre
  • Guloren Turan, General Manager Advocacy & Communications, Global CCS Institute
  • JP Brisson, Partner, Latham Watkins LLP
  • Jeff Pearson, President – Carbon Business Unit, Wolf Midstream
  • Paul Zakkour, Director – Carbon Counts