Past Events

Opportunities in CCS: Finding Government Funding and Business Partners

 Mar 23, 2021

2021 could well be The Year of CCS. The growth in CCS projects is being driven by many factors: an increasing realization of the dangers of climate change, an acknowledge of the important role CCS plays in net-zero scenarios, decarbonization commitments from governments and business, and increased financial investment from both.

Increased CCS investment by governments, including funding of technology development, means increased opportunities for business. But how does a business access this funding? How does one know where to look, and how can a company position itself for success? And how do CO2 emitters and CCS technology and service providers find each other.

In this webinar we will look at how financial support from federal governments is driving both CCS technology advancements and the financing of demonstration projects. In the US, the recently passed Energy Act of 2020 brings the potential of substantially more US Department of Energy funding opportunities for carbon capture. This webinar will provide insights into navigating government funding opportunities and identify the priorities for funding across various sectors, including industrial, power, and transportation.

Following the webinar is an opportunity for emitters to meet with CCS technology providers and project developers. We are calling it "carbon dating". To sign-up for a series of 10-minute introductions, reach out to Patricia Loria,, for more information.

9:00 to 10:00 EST
Government Funding Panel
with representatives from the US Department of Energy and the Government of Netherlands*
Moderated by Patricia Loria, Senior Client Engagement Lead, Global CCS Institute

10:15 to 12:30 EST
Carbon Dating

*additional speakers may be announced

Topic: Opportunities in CCS: Finding Government Funding and Business Partners
Host: Global CCS Institute
Date: Mar 23, 2021
Time: 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)