Past Events

The Carbon Capture and Storage 101 Webinars: CCS Policy for a Net-Zero Future

 May 21, 2021

The Global CCS Institute is hosting its final installment of a three-part series of webinars about Carbon Capture and Storage. This webinar will focus on the policy needed to deploy more carbon capture projects around the world. ClearPath Policy Analyst Jena Lococo is participating in the panel discussion and will discuss the policy and technology development that can help accelerate the deployment of carbon capture technology.

CCS is making energy news headlines almost daily, and for good reason.  As one of the most effective technologies to tackle climate change, CCS is gaining ground across the US and around the world. Curious about the economic, climate, or policy aspects of CCS? Interested in hearing what’s happening in the CCS world? If so, the Carbon Capture 101 Webinars series is for you. Hosted by The Global CCS Institute, the Carbon Capture and Storage 101 Webinars will feature three, one-hour webinars every other Friday at 10 am for the benefit of Capitol Hill staffers and other interested stakeholders.

Join them for the third and final webinar on May 21st, CCS Policy for a Net-Zero Future, featuring the Chief of Staff of the Office of Fossil Energy and three CCS policy experts from leading climate NGOs in D.C. They will discuss the government’s role in incentivising investment in CCS, and how strong policy can help accelerate the deployment of the technology around the globe. In addition, they will give an overview of the current state of CCS policy initiatives being debated in the U.S. Congress and the DOE’s role in implementing CCS policy.


10:00 am to 11:00 am EST
Speaker presentations followed by Q&A


  • Shuchi Talati, Chief of Staff, Office of Fossil Energy, Department of Energy
  • Lee Beck, International Director of Carbon Capture, Clean Air Task Force
  • Jena Lococo, Policy Analyst, ClearPath
  • Shannon Heyck-Williams, Director of Climate and Energy Policy, National Wildlife Federation
  • Matt Bright, Global CCS Institute (moderator)


Date/Time: 10:00 Washington DC, 15:00 London, 16:00 Brussels