Past Events

The Role of CCS In the EU Green Deal

 Feb 25, 2021

The EU Green Deal expects that the European economy becomes climate neutral by 2050; and a 55% reduction of greenhouse gases is required by 2030 in the associated ‘Climate Target Plan’. There is a broad agreement across public, stakeholder and international analyses of EU decarbonisation pathways that CCS will be needed at scale to decarbonise energy intensive industries; some of those also suggest that blue hydrogen will play an important role in the coming decades; and some sees conventional electricity generation retrofitted with CCS providing backup capacity for predominantly renewables-based power systems.
According to the Climate Target Plan, “carbon capture, utilisation and storage will need to be developed and tested at scale in this decade”. Meeting this objective requires enhanced cooperation among Member States, stakeholders, the public at large, and of course the EU itself. This webinar will show how the EU is supporting CCS, incl. the regulatory means and funding programmes.
Agenda and speakers (all times CET):
15:30     Welcome by CEM CCUS Initiative
15:35     The Role of CCS in the EU Green Deal

  • A short overview – Peter Horvath, DG Energy
  • CCS in the EU Green Deal – Jan Steinkohl, DG Energy
  • Horizon Europe: Support for research and innovation – Vassilios Kougionas, DG Research
  • Connecting Europe Facility: Towards a European CO2 network – Katrien Prins, DG Energy
  • Innovation Fund: Rolling out advanced projects – Maria Velkova, DG Clima

16:00     Panel discussion and Q&A with audience
16:30     End of webinar